May 30, 2020

What’s Next for CSG



After nearly two decades of calling our exhibition space at 835 W Washington Blvd our happy home base, as of June 1, 2020 Carrie Secrist Gallery will be moving out permanently.


In the second week in February of this year, we learned from our building management that shifts were being made and our space would need to be vacated in 90 days.  While I had for some months prior considered the idea of migrating to the reinvigorated art community in West Town, it certainly wasn’t on the docket during an election year that was already wildly unstable to say the least. Still, I realized it might just be the push we needed even though it would be difficult to leave our wonderful space and gallery neighbors.

After hearing this out of the blue news, I quickly made the decision to put any and all “What’s Nexts” into a mentally compartmentalized strong box, shelve it and focus only on our upcoming Armory Show project that would be opening just 10 days later in New York. On March 4th with assurances from state officials that events could move forward as planned, off we went to participate in what will likely become known in hindsight as “The Last Mass Gathering of 2020″ (aka NYC Art Week). By the end of the following week, New York and other states began closing as the COVID curve began to spike. I opened my FiloFax Day Keeper (an appendage to my AOL account) on March 16th and looked at the Week Ahead section that included a handwritten list of how I was going to start thinking about our big move now, Post-Armory. I used up the remainder of my pencil’s eraser to literally start fresh.

Since then, we have experienced the most inconclusive period of time in all of our lives where there’s a single truthful answer to the question “What’s Next?”, and it is “I Don’t Know”. For me at this moment, three phrases of wisdom that have proven to be particularly helpful throughout personal and professional blind spots over the years shine a guiding light:

From my mother: “Go as far as you can see. Once you get there, you can see further…”

From my therapist: “Trust the Process” and “Live in the Now”

Implementing the sage advice from these Wonder Women, I’m taking that aforementioned strong box labeled “What’s Nexts” off the shelf, cracking the lock, laying all items on the table and realigning new collaborative possibilities.


For the time being, CSG will be transferring its physical operations to a private luxury condo building across the street at 900 W. Washington Blvd. In partnership with this new development since December of 2018, this collaboration (CSG x 900) has offered an exclusive experience for private viewings and events. Collectively in 24,000+ square feet of gallery quality exhibition space made available to CSG in the 10 story development, we have curated solo, two person and group installations of new and historic works by many of our gallery artists past and present. We will be taking meetings by appointment only in this space from now through Labor Day. See examples of these installations here.

May 30th will be the closing day of Diana Guerrero-Maciá’s exhibition The Devil’s Daughter is Getting Married and CSG’s last physical day at 835 W Washington. See the online viewing room here.

May 30th will also be the last day for Andrew Holqmuist’s virtual exhibition HQME. See additional programming and projects that were produced during the show here. Though the show will be “closing” as others exhibitions enter our new virtual “gallery space” as listed below, HQME’s Online Viewing Room will be accessible in an archive via our website, updated with Andrew’s continuing Suits of Armor series and information for commission opportunities.


Three months ago, I could never have fathomed that the rest of the art community at large would be joining my pre-COVID-determined challenge on how to transition our bricks and mortar into something even more connective. As CSG takes its first steps at this global cross road, I’m shooting every best creative notion up into the atmosphere and look forward to seeing what collaborations might come into being in the second half of this epic year. In my Silver Lining Laden Perspective, the possibilities are ENDLESS!