The Montclair Art Museum (MAM) will present new works by artist Dannielle Tegeder in MAM’s Laurie Art Stairway and on the outdoor video monitors. Infrastructure features a site-specific wall installation, large-scale mobile, and series of animations that merge the interior and exterior spaces of the Museum. The exhibition is curated by Alexandra Schwartz, MAM curator of contemporary art, and will be on view through June 2017.
Each piece in the exhibition is its own imagined urban system that also reacts to the surrounding architecture. Prominently featured in the Laurie Arts Stairway, a wall of glass windows allows the artwork on view to be visible from the street and viewers to see out on to the Museum’s grounds and beyond to the Manhattan skyline. The wall installation and mobile draw from the infrastructure that exists behind the Museum’s walls as well as reflect what is going outside of them. A complementary pair of animations on MAM’s outdoor video monitors are digital renderings of drawings that are set to motion to rhythms of contemporary classical composer Matthew Evan Taylor. The original drawing for the animation Zeolfrora is a recent acquisition to MAM’s collection.